Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Test Results #2

Couple days late on this test. Perhaps a slowed schedule is a sign I should keep an eye on? Heheh. Heheh. Heeeeeh.
Not really.
Elaine's... Poe's... Morningstar's... yeah. Mostly Elaine.
It's not creepy, is it? I mean, we weren't close, we only talked a couple times, but I've followed her work for as long as I've been in all of this and... back to 'yeah'.

Goddamn Blogger, still says she's following and...

Gonna hurry through this while I can still think straight.

Has anyone else outright called you 'insane', 'crazy', 'creepy', or a similar term for something you did? Not recently, must be an off-month?
Have you simply found yourself saying "I know it sounds crazy, but..." or similar phrases?
Have you had an unusual number of nightmares, lucid dreams, or other abnormal REM occurrences?
--> If you weren't prone to it prior to exposure, have you been sleepwalking? Probably.
Have you been having what you can only describe as 'visions'?
Note while awake.
Have you been receiving unusual sensory input, such as hearing voices/ticking or seeing creatures/figures that nobody else could hear or see? Yup.
Have you spoken to yourself in public? Often.
--> Did this draw serious attention from other people?
I should hope not.
--> Did this devolve into an argument with yourself?
Have you spoken to inanimate objects?
Have you found yourself repeating a single phrase at least three times within as many breaths?
Only if 'nonononononono' counts.
Have you found yourself writing in code when it was either ridiculously easy to crack or unnecessary to begin with? Ummm... no?
Have you had any violent mood swings?
Not recently.
Have you recently experienced any significant changes in your mood that lasted for an extended period?
In light of recent events, I'd say so.
--> Could this change be considered negative?
Have you noticed changes in your own eating behavior?
I eat more slowly. Significant though? No.
Have you made any significant changes to your wardrobe or style of dress?
Have you recently found yourself unusually bitter towards or paranoid of your close friends and colleagues?
Same as last month.
Have you found yourself simply paranoid of everyday social interactions?
Have you spent abnormal amounts of time scanning scenery for potential foes while out and about?
Yup, although I swear I heard that pothole cover move behind me. 
Have you believed there was a conspiracy to kill you, someone you know, or an iconic figure? A-duh.
Have you simply 'felt the presence' of Tall Pale and Faceless, another Fear, or any other supernatural forces/creatures without any other sensory input? Yes...
Have you believed you had any abnormal abilities for a human?
Same number of limbs, still bound by gravity, still only about as psychic as people willing to think too hard on what I say are willing to let me be...
Have you ever believed yourself to be something 'more than human'? No.
Have you threatened to kill anybody?
I may have told a guy I was considering ripping out my own ribs just to silence him with them. No idea why I chose that route, I know.
--> Multiple times? Nope.
--> Was it (exclusively) to deter future harmful action, i.e. "If you touch a hair on his/her head..."?
Only if the future harmful action was detrimental to my sanity.
Have you ACTUALLY killed anybody? No.
Have you contemplated methods of homicide or harming others, without any particular target in mind?
Like you wouldn't believe.
--> Could such methods be considered 'unusual' or 'creative'?
Depends on who's asking.
--> Could such methods be considered 'inhumane'?
Depends on who's asking.
Have you simply felt apathetic towards the painful misfortune of others?
Have you delighted in the painful misfortune of others?
While awake, have you had periods of complete unresponsiveness to the physical world?
Daydreaming in class probably doesn't count here.
Have you had extended periods of uncontrollable twitching for no explicable reason? No.
Have you had extended periods of disorientation or lapsed memory while awake?
Lapsed memory, sure. No blackouts though.
Have you indiscriminately considered yourself superior to strangers or colleagues? Again, not indiscriminately.
Have you acted like you are, or believed yourself to be under the age that your legal documentation (i.e. birth certificate) says you are?
Have you found yourself singing or humming a song to yourself that was inappropriate for the situation (i.e. a cheery tune while fighting or killing people)? Oh yes.
--> Did you make up the tune?
No, Sondheim did.
Have you had periods where you found yourself unable to stop making puns?
Not yet.
Have you had periods of simply wanting to bellow out maniacal laughter?
Couple times.

Took me a bit longer to write this than I was expecting.

At least I can see it now though.

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